Wednesday, October 31, 2012

42 Life Lessons, Written By A 90 Year Old

1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good. 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short not to enjoy it. 4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will. 5. Don’t buy stuff you don’t need. 6. You don’t have to win every argument.

Stay true to yourself. 7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone. 8. Life isn’t

Remember God

Money says : earn me ,

forget everything .

Time says : follow me ,

forget everything .

Future says : struggle for me ,

forget everything .

God simply says : follow me ,

just remember me .

I will give you everything .

A strong person

A strong person is not

the one who doesn't cry .

A strong person is the one

who knows how to be

quite and sheds

a tears for a moment ,

and then picks up her

sword and fights again .

Never force yourself

Never force yourself

to have a space in

anyone life because

if they really know

your worth,

they will surely

create one for you

Relationships are like birds

Relationships are like birds ,

if you hold tightly they die .

if you hold loosely , they fly

but if you hold with care ,

they remain with you for ever .

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Respect yourslef

Respect yourslef enough

to walk away from


that no longer

serves you , grows you ,

or make you


Smile like you

Smile like you

have never cried .

Fight like you have

never lost .

Love like you have

never been hurt .

And live like you

will die tomorrow .

Monday, October 29, 2012

It is your road

It is your road

and yours alone .

Others may walk

it with you but

no one can walk it

for you .....

Life always offers


always offers you
a second chance .

It's called

tomorrow .

Words and hearts

'' Words and hearts

should be handled

with care for words

when spoken and

hearts when broken

are the hardest things

to repair . ''

It hurts me to be all alone

Sometimes it hurts me to be all alone , but i know it
is not punishment, God wants me to see how amazing am i and He
wants me to learn to love myself. God made someone very special for me – but sometimes it’s hard to find them… Just like a stone on the
beach… the perfect one might
be right there in front of you or nowhere
to be seen yet because they are miles away.I'll Keep looking and

I'm a simple women

I'm a simple women , not hot or gorgeous. I don't have an
amazing figure or a flat stomach. I'm far from being considered a model
but, I'm me. I eat food, I have curves, I have more fat than I should, I
have scars, I have a history.
Some people love me, some like me, some
hate me. I have done good, I have done bad. I love my PJ's and I go
without makeup. I'm random and crazy. I don't

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Don't change

Don't change

so people will

like you .

Be yourself

and the right

people will love

the real you .

Never think

Never think about

the past , it brings

tears . Don't think

about the future it

brings fears . Live

the moment with

a smile good and

cheers .

Three things

3 things you cann't

recover in life : the

word after it's said ,

the moment after it's

missed , and the time

after it's gone .

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The only way

‎" The only way I would be able to heal is by putting every hurt and bad feeling in the past and leaving them there. I needed to start brand new each day and live one moment at a time. No more worry over bills or stress over work.
I needed to laugh and love…laugh and love…I discovered all I had to do in this lifetime is laugh and love."

I regret

I regret

nothing in my life

even if my past

was full of hurt ,

I still look back and

smile ,


It made me who i am

today .

Friday, October 26, 2012


Remember ,

anyone can love

you when the sun

is shining .

In the storms is

where you learn

who truly cares

for you .

I don't wish to be

'' I don't wish to be

everything to

everyone , but i

would like to

be something

to someone ''

I might not be

I might not be someone’s first choice, but I
am a great choice. I may not be rich but I am valuable. I don’t pretend
to be someone I’m not, because I’m very good at being me. I might not be
proud of some of the choices and mistakes I’ve made in the past, but I
am very proud of who I am today. I may not be perfect but I don’t need
to be.

Don't ever say

Don't ever say

you are not

good enough .

if that person

can't see how


you are ,

then they are

the one who's

not good

enough for you .

If you want to be trusted

If you want to be


tell the truth .



takes years

to build ,

seconds to break

and forever

to repair .

Happiness is

Happiness is not

something in your hands .

It's something you carry

in your heart .Give it away

generously and it will

return to you

thousand fold .

Lead with your heart

People seems angry

There are some people

who always seem angry

and continuously look

for conflict .

Walk away ; the battle they

are fighting isn't with you ,

it is with themselves .

Thursday, October 25, 2012

In a mirror

In a mirror is where

we find a reflection

of our appearances ,

but in a heart is

where we find
a reflection of

our soul .

Never get tired of

Never get tired of doing

little things for others

sometimes those little

things occupy the biggest

part of their hearts .

Integrity is ..


is choosing your

thoughts and actions

based on values rather

than personal gain .

Choice , chance and change

'' Choice ''

'' Chance''

'' Change ''

You must make a '' Choice ''

to take a '' Chance''


Your life will never '' Change ''

The door to wisdom

The door to wisdom ,

is knowing yourself .

The strongest women


the strongest women

are the ones who

love beyond all faults ,

cry behind closed doors

and fights battles that

nobody knows about .

The people who truly love you

The people who truly

love you know your

weaknesses but never

take advantages ,

and see your flaws

but never judge !

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You are free to choose

You are free to choose ,

but you are not free

from the consequences

of your choice .

We and somethings

There are things that

we don't want to happen

but have to accept .

things we don't want to know

but have to learn ,

and people we can't

live without but have to

let go .

Women are like the apples on trees

Women are like the apples on trees .

The best
ones are at the top of the tree .

The boys don’t want to reach for the
good ones,

because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt .

they get the apples from the ground

that aren’t as good, but easy .

the apples at the top think something is wrong with them

when in reality
they are amazing !

They have to

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Don't think too much

Don't think too much

of the problems in life ,

they are just testpapers

given by God

also see how much we have

learned in His subject

called '' LIFE ''

If you think you failed ,

review it through


Thank you

Thank you for ! being my friend

.....hope to be a real add in your life

People don't change

People don't change ....... only masks fall

I have learned that

I've learned that you cannot . make someone love you All you can do is be someone . who can be loved . The rest is up to them I've learned that no matterhow much i care , . some people just don't care back . And it's not the end of the world

The best thing in life

The best thing in life

is finding someone who

knows all your mistakes

and weakness and still thinks

you are completely amazing &

Loving ....

Monday, October 22, 2012

From this day on

, From this day on

when i look back

on the past ,

I will smile and say to myself

'' I will never thought i could do it ...

but i did ....

I overcame all the people

who tried to bring me down ''

Don't ever let anyone

Don't ever let anyone

break your soul .

You have to stand on

your own two feet and fight .

There are those who would do

anything to see you fall .

Never give them the satisfaction .

Head up high , put a smile

on your face and stand
your ground

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Means of love

Love means that you accept a person , with all their failures , stupidities , ugly points , and nonetheless , you see perfection . in imperfection itself

Saturday, October 20, 2012

I don't care

I don't care if anyone

... does not like me

I was not born in this

world to entertain

... everyone

God and you

God always has something for you ... ,

a key for every shadow,

a relief for every sorrow ,

and a plan for every tomorrow .

Love between chance and choice

, No one falls in love by choice

. it is come by chance

, No one stay in love by chance

. it is come by work

, And no one falls out of love by chance

. It is by choice

Doubts and fears

Don't waste your life in doubts and fears ''

: spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it ''

- Ralph Waldo Emerson -

True love

Love is not about how much you say

,, I love you ,,

but how much you can

. prove that it's true

Believe in miracles

.....If you don't believe in miracles

Perhaps you have forgotten that

. You are one

Friday, October 19, 2012

I and my actions

I smile with whom i like ....

I cry for whom i care ....

I share with whom i really like .....

I laugh with whom i enjoy ....

I care only to those whom i never

want to loose !

Life and time

Life and time are the world's best teachers . Life teaches us to make good use of time and time teaches us the value if life .

Who truly loves you

A person who truly loves you will never stop believing in you and will never let you go , no matter how hard the situation is .